Product overview
Our acoustic microscopes were especially designed for life sciences applications. With superior signal to noise ratio and the use of time resolved operation throughout the whole frequency range from 50-2000 MHz it is possible to detect even the very small variations in local mechanical properties that individual living cells or tissue exhibit. The acoustic microscopy systems span from basic research tools to inline control systems for quality control.
The systems in particular are:
easySAM - acoustic microscopy for every lab

The easySAM microscope series offers highest imaging quality of large scale samples in the frequency range of 100 MHz to 400 MHz. The systems bring superior results to your everyday research. Image quality, user friendliness and value for price were the drivers for this microscope line. The models easySAM basic, easySAM research and easySAM professional open up the world of acoustic microscopy to everyone. The systems are easily integrated into standard microscopy platforms and deliver superior images as well as time resolved data while requiring minimal user interaction.
easyPAM - integrated photoacoustics

The easyPAM photoacoustic excitation unit will add all capabilities of photoacoustic imaging to your easySAM system. Due to the full integration of light source, acoustic transducer and the module control into the hard & software of the easySAM, the handling of the system stays comfortable and the workflow stays seamless with precise correlation of acoustic, photoacoustic and optical data.
High frequency transducer systems

A selection of acoustic transducer systems guarantees best contrast and sensitivity paired with optimal resolution for the given application. The transducer systems SASAM lens and easySAM lens are optimized for imaging applications while our non-focusing NFT transducer series offers best performance for non-imaging applications.